Channeling Energy through Sound, Voice & Hands.
Andrea shares alchemy by channeling sound, voice and Reiki. She began studying
theater, and then she got her Master Degree in Drama Therapy in New York. Always cultivating her spirituality and creativity, she studied Mindfulness, Reiki, massage techniques, voice and song.
In 2014 she discovered the power of plant masters in the Amazon and began to work and learn with shamans, assisting in ceremonies, working with plants and creating her own center for the nutrition of the soul Centro Manna.

All services described are available to be customized for each individual or group. The duration of each session is about 120 min and you can choose as many sessions as you feel you need or want. The program starts with a conversation with each person or collective, and we can generate the experience you are seeking, capturing your main goal and then proposing the best approach for the specific purpose.
There are specific technical requirements on some of the session, as well as setting requirements. All of those are spoken before hand for best production efficacy. Sessions can occur at MANNA CENTER, or Andrea can travel to wherever place she is invited to. The experience only guaranties a transformational moment, soul nourishment and enlighten feeling of inner enrichment.
Group Sound Meditation Circles
This session promotes a deep relaxation state, through various vibrational sounds. We start with brief and simple stretching exercises to release body tensions. Then we go into shavasana position (rested on our backs), over a yoga mat and covered with a blanket, and we will slowly journey into a meditation, guided by voice, and accompanied by chants, and the sounds of singing bowls and other instruments.
Individual Sound Meditation Sessions
The session starts by having a brief conversation to gather the primal information in order to start the work; what does the person need? How is he or she feeling at the moment? Is there any specific pain or sorrow? And what is the main purpose the person is looking for with the session. Andrea will channel Reiki energy, healing chants and sounds.
The session is guided by what the person needs, it varies depending on each client, but they are always focused on achieving a deep state of relaxation, increase inner peace and heal emotional or physical pain.
Healing and harmonizing
thru reiki and voice.
Andrea offers distance reiki, individual and group sessions. Were she channels healing energy thru her hands and voice, using as well various vibrational instruments that work on harmonizing and soothing our inner state.


Selfcare and self exploration.
Mindfulness is the active practice of total awareness, where through the observance of one's thoughts, we become a more conscious being, therefore a more present and fully alive person. There are simple exercises and information that one could learn in order to better the daily life relationship with our inner self and day to day actions. Breathing is the bridge to connect mind and body, and is a gift that we all have access to.
Andrea will offer you and-or your group, selfcare and self exploration sessions thoughtfully designed for going into a self discovery journey, in order to become a better friend of yourself, and a master of your unique and precious virtues and capacities.
Play ︎︎︎
Play ︎︎︎
Sonic journey; they are soundscapes evocative of various sensations, which lead us to transport ourselves to sensory and sensitive universes, full of magic, nature, calm, pulse and life.
Spiritual Center, where meditations, workshops, retreats, ceremonies and various instances of holistic nutrition are offered.
Manna Center is an invitation to collaborate, to unite the knowledge, feelings, needs, curiosities and enthusiasms to create together a space for the spiritual development of the Human Being. It responds to the need to make circles, to look at each other in our eyes and to be part of an intimate and genuine encounter with ourselves and others. It is a place to connect with our silence, our presence and our being in community; in order to create a transverse and harmonious dialogue with each other.
Our intention is to make Centro Manna a habitat and a community that is self-supporting, self-generating, self-sufficient, self-care, all in the company of a circle that beats for the same ideals and loves to create, and creates loving.
The center is a circular structure of 25mts2 which is based on 12 pillars: a central one that is anchored to the deepest part of the earth, and 11 that surround and accompany it. In the ceiling there is a small circumference that lets in light and makes direct connection with the celestial energy. The four cardinal points clearly marked to remember where we are and to thank the forces that guard these directions.
Created at the end of 2017, together with Fundación Deporte Libre and the construction team with which they work, based on wood, filled with bales of straw and covered with mud from this same hill that welcomes us in the foothills of the Precordillera de the Andes, Pochoco area, Arrayan, Santiago de Chile.
Next to the center there is the bathroom, the showers, the viewpoint, the cellar, the kitchen-dining room (multifunctional space), and an access to go up to a site that has a view of the whole city and
the immensity of the mountains.
Andrea Moro Winslow
Instagram ︎︎︎
PDF Dossier ︎︎︎
El Arrayán, Lo Barnechea
Santiago, Chile