All services described are available to be customized for each individual or group. The duration of each session is about 120 min and you can choose as many sessions as you feel you need or want. The program starts with a conversation with each person or collective, and we can generate the experience you are seeking, capturing your main goal and then proposing the best approach for the specific purpose.
There are specific technical requirements on some of the session, as well as setting requirements. All of those are spoken before hand for best production efficacy. Sessions can occur at MANNA CENTER, or Andrea can travel to wherever place she is invited to. The experience only guaranties a transformational moment, soul nourishment and enlighten feeling of inner enrichment.
Group Sound Meditation Circles
This session promotes a deep relaxation state, through various vibrational sounds. We start with brief and simple stretching exercises to release body tensions. Then we go into shavasana position (rested on our backs), over a yoga mat and covered with a blanket, and we will slowly journey into a meditation, guided by voice, and accompanied by chants, and the sounds of singing bowls and other instruments.
Individual Sound Meditation Sessions
The session starts by having a brief conversation to gather the primal information in order to start the work; what does the person need? How is he or she feeling at the moment? Is there any specific pain or sorrow? And what is the main purpose the person is looking for with the session. Andrea will channel Reiki energy, healing chants and sounds.
The session is guided by what the person needs, it varies depending on each client, but they are always focused on achieving a deep state of relaxation, increase inner peace and heal emotional or physical pain.
Healing and harmonizing
thru reiki and voice.
Andrea offers distance reiki, individual and group sessions. Were she channels healing energy thru her hands and voice, using as well various vibrational instruments that work on harmonizing and soothing our inner state.